Chinese Zodiac Pig

Years Associated with The Pig
1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019

The final sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the Pig, is characterized by a kind, playful and loyal personalities. While the Pig is very hardworking and driven for success, members of the sign have a great value for comfort and leisure. As they are against conflict, the Pig is most content when they are in easygoing social situations. With comfortable company, the Pig feels free to display their humor and fun-loving qualities. Pigs are one of the most trusting signs and take great comfort in pleasing others. In this sense, it is not usual for others to take advantage of the Pig's open heart. At times, the Pig is known to overindulge and may focus too heavily on pleasurable experiences.

The Pig is one of the most extroverted signs and is most comfortable in the company of others. The easy going and entertaining nature of the Pig, makes them well-liked and popular among friends, coworkers and peers. At parties or social gatherings, the Pig is well known to put on a great show, full of charm and charisma. The Pig can also be considered a natural host, as they are very generous and considerate of guests. The generosity of the Pig may be so great that they have trouble turning down a friend in need, even when they are being taken advantage of.

The Pig is often drawn to security, which explains why they are so loving and committed in their family life. When a Pig finds their desired partner, they enjoy an affectionate and caring connection. The Pig puts great importance on their homes and enjoy a comfortable setting. While others enjoy a quiet home setting, the Pig may prefer to open up their doors to friends and loved ones, where they can display their generosity and nurturing qualities. The Pig is not content unless their family and guests are at ease.

Honest, social and hardworking, there are a variety of careers for the pig to explore. The social skills of the Pig should not be overlooked, as they can translate to success in careers such as public relations, teaching, human resources, social work or medicine. In a similar sense, the creativity and artistic appreciation of the Pig can make a great fit in artistic expression, media, entertainment, graphic design, or music. In whichever career the Pig chooses, it is certain that their quick mind and commitment will play a pivotal role in financial and material success.

The Pig's fixed element is the Water Element. The fluid influence of Water contributes to the Pig's quick mind, compassion and communication. Members of the Pig sign have been known to be quit witty and humorous, which can also be linked back to their elemental influence. The organs of the Water Element are the bladder and kidneys. In order to facilitate long-lasting health, the Pig is encouraged to limit their intake of rich foods, alcohol and other unhealthy substances. By maintaining a healthy body, the Pig can avoid poor mental health and anxiety.

The Pig's natural pairs are the Rabbit and the Sheep. With shared sensitivity and perspective, the Pig and Rabbit can make a very effective couple. A Pig and Rabbit couple can create a strong family unit, where love and nurturing play a pivotal role. In the same sense, The Pig and Sheep also share a strong understanding for one another. The success of a Pig and Sheep couple is even more likely, when the couple's shared adaptability and harmonious tastes are concerned. The Pig's worst natural pair is the Snake. The Pig and Snake have opposing perspectives and subsequently, have difficulty communicating and understanding one another.